Thursday, August 16, 2007

Would Prozac Make Me Ecstatic?

I have often wondered if a basically happy person were to take Prozac, would they become downright ecstatic? I am intrigued by this, because I am basically happy. However, this past year has been pretty difficult and I would like to 'up the ante'. A little ecstasy could be a good thing.
It's the same thing with aches and pains. I am 50. Daily bumps and bruises that were so easily dismissed in my youth, now seem to linger longer and hurt more. I know there is some pill out there, I have seen some on TV which will have me hiking up mountains or doing yoga in Central Park in the morning, in spite of the fact that I am crippled up with Arthritis.
What about bone loss? I am 50, probably menopausal and now I am worried that I am going to be hunchbacked and/or boneless in a few years. I think I should be taking some sort of pill for this too. This requires a few pills to deal with-one to replace hormones and one to make my bones stronger. Oh yeah, one of them that makes your bones stronger has recently been linked to some sort of disorder where you have to have part of your jaw removed because of odd bone growth. Oh well, I am sure there could be some pill to fix that too.
Lately, I have been a little stuffed up in the morning. Is this just because we have had a wettish summer and there is probably mold growing (hidden) in the walls and cellar of my house, or is it because I have allergies and should be taking Ambien or Claritin. I think that when you take one of these pills, the world goes from black and white to a beautiful multicolored place. Just think, I already see colors, how much more intense and enjoyable would be my vista!
Now I am worried that I might have some fungus under my toenails. It may be gnawing away and growing there, undetectable by the human eye. Gross! There is some pill I can take that will deal with that. Of course, I think you have to take it for the rest of your life. But what a relief not to be kept awake with that worry every night.
Then there is my 13 year old daughter. I guess that she needs to get immunized against the Human Papilloma Virus so that she won't get cervical cancer. Of course, there are 132 variations of this virus, 13 being associated with cervical cancer. The current vaccine doesn't protect against all the variants, but I am sure they will push through a new one to cover them soon.
Apparently, my son should have braces, although his teeth look to be perfect. It seems that his eye teeth are 1 or 2 mm skewed from their proper alignment. Personally, I like the way it looks, but by waiting I may be endangering his dental health permanently. They go to the dentist twice a year for a cleaning at about $100 dollars a wack each time. There teeth are always very clean. Their molars are all sealed. Why do they need to go twice a year?
Oh yeah, then we have the dog and cats to deal with. Lyme's disease, heartworm, feline leukemia, rabies, some sort of parvovirus, periodontal disease, retinopathy, depression disorder and separation anxiety. Did you know that they have some sort of Prozac for animals? Huh? Have you ever seen a Golden Retriever out chasing a tennis ball for hours who looked like it needed Prozac?
Don't even go down the road of crap in your home that will kill you. I don't have any antibacterial soap in my house, but I am sure that I have some bacteria. My kids have gone to the doctor (for an illness) about 2 times each. They are 11 and 13. We live in a 150 year old house, do you think there might be some mold somewhere? Am I being a bad mom by not having it eradicated? The foundation is stone, but the house breathes heavily through the old windows and doors. Do I need a radon reduction system? With the dogs, cats and age of the house should I be vacuuming with a HEPA Vac? I think that will take care of the 40 million or so dust mites that are in all the mattresses in the house. Maybe we should just sleep outside.
On to outside-I live in Maine, we have mosquitoes and black flies and now and then some ticks. Should I spray some shit on my lawn to eliminate those things?
Our well has been tested,the water is fine, and it has a great taste. I think though, that I am supposed to get some sort of filtration system and then we can all drink tasteless, filtered water. Actually the really big water treatment systems make your water taste a little salty at best, but hey, it is TREATED. What the hell does that mean?
Hmmm, well, since I can't ever quit my day job, because Social Security is running out and I do not have $10, 000,000. in my retirement account, I better go get ready for work.

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